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we all know that iphone 4 was released in june the 24, 2010. it was different from iphone 3g 3gs, as it was way better and much more faster.

it had great feature like
 multi tasking
multiple folders
front camera
5 megapixel back camera
music playback
video play back

apple said this changes everything!

now iphone 5 is about to release and apple 

not there have been rumours going on about iphone 5
when you think about iphone5?
do you think it will have better features than iphone 4?

here is a list of some that iphone 5 will surely have:
Higher Storage Capacity
3g and 4G Support
Bigger Screen
better resolution
better apps
better quality
video zoom 
thiner and lighter

these are the main features that everyone is expectinf from the iphone 5

iphone 5 price

the rumours says that the iphone 5 will released in june 2011, as iphone4 was released in june last year. 
i believe that the iphone 5 price will around £550 to £600 for 16gb and for 32gb  it will be around about  £650 to £700.
i dont think iphone5 price will exceed this price range  
if talking about iphone price i think that it will remain same as iphone 3gs 
thanks for reading this article, i will also be updating more info in iphone 5